Requiem for Domino

Playroom for boys. Love the IKEA sofa!

A corner of the dining room - great displays.

Another - High/Low - Target window panels, old silver.

Living Room - with hand-stenciled walls - collection of glass.

My 30 and 40-something friends couldn't believe it! (And, neither could I since I live vicariously through them.) Domino magazine is on its deathbed. How could this be? It is without a doubt THE most cherished magazine among my hip, urban, educated, tasty friends. Even I got bitten by the Domino bug when I realized there is a place for both acrylic and sheepskin in each and every room!

But, alas, the economy has taken yet another life - it is merciless. No matter how many magazines this demographic buys at the newstand, it can't support a company going into $300,000,000 of debt over three years. (Did I get the number of zeros right? That is a slightly inside scoop.) In the magazine world, you have to be a whore to the advertisers, not your fans.

So, I'm feeling like picking up a little of the slack and will show you some really great rooms I've seen recently - a tribute to Domino's spirit of young, fresh, affordable, creative spaces. I'll see how long I can keep this up!

Here's a wonderful example of the creative spirit on a budget - from the home of Paul and Anne Cramer of Minneapolis. Anne is the genius behind this look, down to the hand-stenciled walls in the living room and fuzzy IKEA sofa in the playroom that looks like some Italian thing I saw at Moss in NY a few months ago (for $15,000!) Anne has a great eye! We sing the Domino dirge for Anne this week.


  1. I'm still receiving fliers, attached to my subscription, selling the magazine. So, I'm praying supporters will splurge just this once to keep this dreamy publication alive. Oh, if only it could be true.


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