Bon Jour.
I'm going to Paris. I've never been. I'm 59 years old and I love clothes and I love design and I've never been to Paris for so many reasons I can't name them here.
But we are going this fall and I am now officially studying French. Well, officially with my Pimsleur cd every day. I am so excited, I feel like a six year old on Christmas Eve.
Bonjour. Je ne comprendes pas l'Francais.
Au revoir.
But we are going this fall and I am now officially studying French. Well, officially with my Pimsleur cd every day. I am so excited, I feel like a six year old on Christmas Eve.
Bonjour. Je ne comprendes pas l'Francais.
Au revoir.
Wow. Can't imagine a person whose maiden trip to Paris I'd more enjoy vicariously. Crossing my fingers that you will blog :) Bon voyage!!