The Benefit of Children...who know how to cook...

Isabelle was home for almost a month. All in all, in a 1200 sf apartment, we did okay. And the benefit to having Isabelle around - besides that she is smart, funny, and charming - is that she is an amazing cook. I now put her in the category with the top four cooks I know who are all much older than she. Those cooks would be Carrie, Holly, Anna, and Jacqueline. She has surpassed me as an instinctive cook.

Here is a sampling of Isabelle's ouevre. How lucky are we???? If anyone wants a recipe, let me know...she kind of makes this up, but we can work it out.

Izzy at the oven - spinach, leek, and feta quiche.

La quiche and Warm Crimini Mushroom salad with Parmesan. omg.

Izzy making apple crostada for dessert for our friends Jean and Mark

La Crostada!


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