A Dark Mood...with a Wardrobe to Prove It
The elegant Babe Paley - known for her "beauty, manners, and kindness"
I'm in a decidedly dark mood. And I am buying black to prove it. Well, I suppose it could be that I'm buying black because I'm in New York, but I like to imagine it is more symbolic than that. I am a left-of-center Democrat and this last week's shenanigans with Ms. Alaska, whom I now like to call "Babe Palin" in hopes of inspiring a comparison to the real Babe Paley - one of the most stylish and smart women of the 2oth Century known for "beauty, manners, and kindness" - has got my undies in a bunch.
I just want my country back and until I get it, I'm going into mourning and wearing black.
Now this isn't all bad. I love black. it is easy to coordinate. Black goes with black. Of course, I love black with navy (like the French). And I love black with brown. I don't love black with white. Oh, nooooo. It's too upscale suburban mall. Navy and white, yes. Black and white, no.
So, as I needed some new things for fall and to lift my spirits and to feel like a New Yorker, not a jeans and cotton t-shirt Minnesotan (which I am!), I went to Banana and Gap (GAP is good this fall - a new designer!) Of course, I am drooling all the way down Madison at the more expensive shops. I carry a little drool bag with me so as not to make a mess on the sidewalks of New York. The Eileen Fisher store just beckons, as does Agnes B., and a little shop on my corner that sells French sailor shirts. But, with the cost of moving to New York, we are Gapping it and black it is.
By the way, as a sanguine, I ask that you not hold me to my promise to be in mourning until we get our country back. I may change my mind tomorrow if I find a great pair of green shoes.
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