Coming back to life, like Spring - oh, yes and the Natalie Page lights from NY

After a deep slumber both Saturday and Sunday nights, I feel more rested! I feel like this:
And I do have to honestly ask the question - why is there something so beautiful? It doesn't need to be beautiful for procreation. I guess it needs to have a certain fragrance for that, but not beauty. I can only think that there is a god and it is a benevolent god - one who knew that beauty would matter to the human being. Why else beauty?

Magnolia in Minneapolis

Azaleas in Charleston.

Wanted to share a line of light fixtures I saw last week at BDDW. I think they will shortly find their way into one of my projects and maybe our own apartment!

They are just so beautifully hand-made:

Natalie Page clay light fixtures. From $400 - 900.


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