Post Italy

I unfairly left Italy in the lurch. It is a crazy story, but 2 weeks ago today, Lee woke up feeling like we needed to head back to the US, also. (I'd mentioned the idea, but wanted to be sure I wasn't just neurotic and selfish!) So we attempted, on a Sunday, to get a ticket home. It was impossible. HELP! We were stranded in Florence! Literally, it was impossible on a Sunday. By Monday morning, we found a US phone number to call and got someone competent enough to help us (after two failed attempts....pretty sure the first had attitude and the second had a drug problem.) All's well that ends well and we had a ticket home 3 days later from Roma. We packed up, got the train and had the most lovely night in Fiumicino - who'd of thunk it? An airport hotel?? It had views of the Mediterranean, an amazing restaurant nearby serving the local seafood (OMG the calamari!) and just a chill, perfect last night in Italy vibe. Even the hotel room had tile floors instead of creepy carpet!

So, we got home, unpacked for 3 days solid, I headed to work for the next 5 days solid, then finished unpacking the next 2 days and now am mostly crashing and very very happy.

But I wanted to share some of these photos from our trip - it is a little slide show of photos - with captions because there is no rhyme nor reason - just some favorite moments. Hope you enjoy!
A wonderful restaurant sud Arno - Piazza della Passera

Lee at the restaurant - pre-vino.

Post vino - cafe.

Maybe our favorite meal for lunch - assorted local pecorini chesses with pear mostardi and this amazing flatbread! 

The guy who always showed up at our favorite lunch spot. SO Sartorialist.

The view from the restaurant Cinque. 

Last walk of this trip over our favorite kissing bridge - Santa Trinita.

The ropes at the end of a fishing day in Fiumicino.


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